Welcome to the Auto Fangs store.  As a Challenger owner, I wanted something to make my car look more aggressive, and unique, but not overdone.  And, I didn’t want to spend the amount of money a lot of mods like this cost!   So, after many measurements and iterations, I came up with a Fang design I liked enough to put on my own car.  I could not find anything like it, so I had to create it myself.  These can be put in different locations on the lower grille, or the flat version (Model 1) can be put on the upper grille, underneath the top lip of the grille.  This looks great as well, but I liked the lower grille placement using Model 2.

For those of you with different cars- feel free to reach out via the Contact Us form and ask about different versions and/or sizes.  Auto Fangs can be fit to Mustangs, Camaros, or any other car that has a place for the attachment point.  Sorry, cars with rounded fronts (like a Toyota Camry) don’t have an attachment point for our 3-D Fangs.  Please ask us if you are not sure if our Fangs will work for you!

We hope you enjoy the look our Fangs provide your car, the looks you’ll get, and the great comments you get from people!

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